Require in a sentence as a verb

It was the first browser to do so - it don't require a lite version.

But it might require actual customer service; that must have made them think twice.

It's onerous to require someone to justify their right to look at porn.

This, at least, will require the government to seize the private keys of each individual they want to track.

And I see so many posters on HN that I would never hire for a job that required engineering and planning.

For example, apply it only to the top page at first, and reduce the number of endorsements required for display to 1.

Any realistic attempt to terraform Mars will require a lot of skill with genetic engineering.

Deviations from each of these create strain on the relationships among teammates and require changes in the work or processes of collaboration to succeed.

Because once you put things on a different footing and you require people to justify their freedoms then it becomes ever more difficult to justify anything.

> An even bigger conflict of interest with auto dealers is that they make most of their profit from service, but electric cars require much less service than gasoline cars.

"At the time, the only way to donate marrow was to basically have someone drill holes in your bones and drain your skeleton, which kind of terrified me. Nowadays, of course, most donations require nothing more than sitting still for a few hours with an IV watching television.

Marrow donations still require anesthesia and a surgical procedure.

But can we build a multi-hundred mile long steel tube to the required tolerances?I would be inclined to trade off efficiency for manufacturability.

Doctors use special, hollow needles to extract little bits of bone marrow from your hip, and because the needles are small it does require a lot of sticks to collect enough marrow for a transplant.

After all, since he plans to self-publish the second edition, there is nothing to prevent him from self-publishing additional copies of the first edition if he requires them.

I would image the tubes will be joined with automated friction stir welding or something similiar, but that will still require a fair amount of post weld machining which has its own pitfalls.

Because of your exacting design requirements, the book is a four-color book printed in Italy, with a 6-8 week reprint lead time, and a cost that is highly dependent on the number of copies printed.

As a corollary, the exercise of liberty does not require a justification, because it's a liberty, practicality or "usefulness" or what-have-you play no part in it.

But it should not require anything more than a media query fetching different CSS and perhaps some additional scripting so as to simply restyle the content experience Andy does say that all you need is media quires for the CSS and such and bingo.

One of the easiest things to do in poetry is to lose the reader--a great poet can put an incredibly complicated multilayered concept onto a small amount of paper--and require a graduate-level understanding from the reader to understand it.

The money transmitter laws are basically laws that give state governments the authority to require that bonds be provided, that minimum capitalization requirements be met, and that other precautions taken, to ensure that whoever handles escrowed monies takes prudent steps to protect those whose funds are entrusted to them.

Require definitions


require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"

See also: necessitate postulate need take involve demand


consider obligatory; request and expect; "We require our secretary to be on time"; "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"; "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"

See also: expect


make someone do something

See also: command


have need of; "This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner"

See also: want need