Repulsively in a sentence as an adverb

Just not one repulsively rich ***** doing it.

> InstantCheckMateI'm sure the author of this name thought it was just a clever pun, but it's just repulsively evil.

I bought a surface a few weeks back - wsl is nothing but an improved cygwin, of no use to Linux/Mac users, and windows has become repulsively spammy.

Most municipal solutions I've seen to the former problem are repulsively violent, while it isn't clear that the latter "problem" has solutions.

I love the idea of using the Sims as a platform, as it's a place where it will be blatantly obvious that 'effective' AI without built-in ethics is repulsively inhuman.

So I guess it's safe to assume, they either lied to me and my product is undesirable, no one knows about my campaign despite me trying to get featured on design blogs, or I'm so repulsively ugly in my video that I drive people away.

I found this to provide sufficient anesthesia to do what was necessary, without closely approaching the point of being too drunk to hack the sort of repulsively godawful PHP code which necessitates such anesthesia in the first place.

So there is some theoretical and experimental work arguing that the Fibonacci sequence minimizes the energy of soft particles interacting repulsively when constrained to the surface of a cylinder.

Is it right for our government to put people into that situation -- not just government employees or their targets/adversaries, but neutral 3rd parties?If a policeman ordered you to do something repulsively bad that would harm your family, friends, and neighbors, would you not want to be able to say no?That view doesn't require any great technical knowledge of cryptography or hardware/software/etc.

Repulsively definitions


in an offensive and hateful manner; "I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably"

See also: detestably abominably odiously