Reproving in a sentence as an adjective

At some point in time it's pointless to engage in an endless reproving of claims that most sane people already believe in.

Even ignoring Market reproving to take this into account?

The issue with Leetcode and HackerRank as I see it, is that you're reproving to various companies each time and each interview that you know how to code.

Even when they were wrong, the rebuke pierced my heart and made me want to make sure that I would never do anything to actually deserve such a reproving in the future.

Both systems allow refinement by constantly reproving safety properties over code thats closer and closer to the real implementation including making runnable code.

"All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

Reproving definitions


expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective

See also: admonitory admonishing reproachful