Reprocess in a sentence as a verb

Don't result in data corruption, just some time to reprocess all the raw inputs again.

Read up on 'fuel reprocessing' and note that by simply leaving things alone for even just 100 years it becomes far cheaper to reprocess.

In case you need to reprocess the data, you instantiate another pipeline and stream that historical data through it. Clever!

After a bit, it was much easier to think and reprocess the concepts in my head as coffee script, especially when it came to test writing. I think the must-have for me is te bevy of ways to do auto compilation these days

If we do not start a production line to mass-produce safe nuclear power plants and find a way to safely reprocess the waste, soon, it isn't going to happen in time. We spent trillions on wars and on bailing out an insane derivatives market.

It seems like in this case "appeal" meant "automatically reprocess and reject again with a form message" until they got the media involved.

If you need to move back and forth through the file, or move lines from one place to another, or reprocess the same line repeatedly, it can be far more convenient than a scripting language.

An other direction would be to store it more safely but still accessible and work on techniques to reprocess the waste, especially that with long half-live. Of course that would mean we'd have to admit that nuclear energy is far more expensive than regenerative energy sources in the long run and nobody would want that...

Also, it happened in 1957, when nobody really knew a lot about how to reprocess properly--but unlike the Russians, everybody else recognized that and worked on getting it right.

Reprocess definitions


use again after processing; "We must recycle the cardboard boxes"

See also: recycle reuse