Repossess in a sentence as a verb

Unlike a car loan or a mortgage, a bank can't repossess your education.

If your car wasn't paid for and it belongs to the bank now, I think the bank has the right to know where it is to repossess it.

Banks can loan on cars worth as little as $5k even though their cost to repossess and auction it might approach the cost of the car.

If you fail to carry comprehensive insurance on your vehicle, they may repossess it etc.

I'm not sure how, or if, it's even technically possible to "repossess" a TLD, let alone sell it for cash.

Also, consumer credit holders doesn't get to repossess your home, only your mortgage lender does that.

Or the CEO could "loan" the company money at high interest rates, bankrupting it, and then repossess the assets.

I'm also relatively certain that a third party who encounters an /allegedly/ stolen bike has no real option to "repossess it".4.

Lets say you go out and buy a rental property for $500k, if you never make a payment the bank can repossess the rental property and sell it to recover their loan.

The car dealers that regularly repossess customer vehicles print money.

You are basically saying that banks are being evil when they repossess and foreclose on property, but if they weren't allowed to do so, they wouldn't lend money in the first place.

If they foreclose on the house and repossess it, the loan is considered settled, and they can't attempt to collect the difference, even if the house is worth less than the value of the loan was.

Torture is not the only or most effective avenue to thwart encryption or your plans to keep money from them, they could claim enough back-taxes to bankrupt you, repossess anything you buy etc, etc.

Except that the following things exist:-Your credit rating could make it impossible for you to get a loan- The bank isn't obligated to give you a million dollar loan- If you buy a house with it, they could repossess the houseI don't see why we should consider banks with bad decision making in this.

Wouldn't a criminal charges of some kind have to be made instead of the process say, a car dealership goes through to repossess a car?Either charge the thief and recover it from them, or investigate the person for possessing stolen property and if it turns out to be stolen, then returning it to the rightful owner?Aren't repossession agents bound by some constraints as well?

Repossess definitions


claim back

See also: reclaim


regain possession of something