Reposition in a sentence as a noun

Try to swap that second file for a different one, have to close the window, open a new window & reposition.

Touch screen keypads cover massive parts of the screen, force constant hand shifts, and constantly reposition content on the screen.

To get more on screen, you have to reposition a hardware sprite in the middle of each TV frame while the electron beam is drawing it.

Some 20-somethings code for 2 years, write an O'Reilly book, and then reposition themselves as "architects".

Intervene to resize and reposition things when actual content is inserted.

They don't have to reposition their hand three times to cross the screen, or wait 300ms between every action for the gesture recognition algorithms to time out.

When you're dragging, if you get to the edge of your mouse pad it's really important to be able to pick up the mouse and reposition it without releasing the button.

Reposition in a sentence as a verb

" Their equivalent idea of what software development is is "write a program to reduce shifts by 2 hours and reposition forklifts so costs next week will be $x less.

Does that apply to a guy who adjusts his underwear during a meeting to reposition everything and make himself more comfortable too?

I can still use the phone, but a lot of one-handed uses feel awkward or strained because my thumb can't reach the top of the phone without having to first reposition the phone in my hand.

You're also able to simultaneously build units, advance your build at home, harass your opponent, reposition units, look at the minimap, and micromanage where necessary.

They are the most used buttons by an order of magnitude and tapping the screen is a crappy interface as it is too sensitive and I often jump forward or backward a page when I reposition myself in a plane seat or similar.

They think the dominant device form factor will be tablets, not laptops, so they're trying to reposition windows to be a tablet-friendly OS, but have the problem that people don't care about win32 on a tablet, but they do want apps and those apps must be designed for mobile.

Reposition definitions


depositing in a warehouse; "they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn"; "my car is in storage"; "publishers reduced print runs to cut down the cost of warehousing"

See also: repositing storage warehousing


change place or direction; "Shift one's position"

See also: shift dislodge


place into another position