Repentant in a sentence as an adjective

What you get out isn't a repentant model citizen.

Everything else read real in the style of a repentant founder.

If someone is a murderer and has gone to jail but is not repentant, should you discriminate?

""The repentant homosexual must be met with forgiveness.

Skimming the list, it seems only few of them are really repentant and understood the consequences of what they did.

Thus, Carmack's work is brilliant, and would remains brilliant despite Carmack being a repentant theif.

Certainly, Microsoft may be repentant, but Microsoft either doesn't care to catch up, or they think it's not going to help them even the ground against Apple.

That is, the problem isn't Wikipedia, it's the coworker who treats the reformed and repentant ex-convict like trash, then goes home and beats her kids.

For a repentant person convicted of manslaughter, assign them a lifetime of community service to make up for their crimes.

Repentant definitions


feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds

See also: penitent