Renovate in a sentence as a verb

Don't they have a right to know?Was it even a good idea to renovate that campground?

Perhaps land is so cheap that it's just easier to build a new one than to renovate an older one.

"Think of the children", "How will we pay mortgage", "In fall we have to renovate older child's bedroom".

In the article, it says he intended to renovate, but it turned out to cost millions and was more efficient to rebuild.

Something like tax laws making it prohibitive to renovate housing?

With the iOS 7 launch already on a tight schedule this is a disgrace for both Apple and developers trying to renovate their apps.

When we hedged about accepting it for a few days, the landlord decided that he wanted to renovate the place and withdrew the lease offer.

It is ridiculously costly, time consuming, and difficult to renovate or build anything in SF.

Town goes down the tubes, yuppies move in and renovate old housing and such pushing what few remaining stragglers there are left out and help recreate a few revitalized islands amongst the rest.

Is it like ber-gentrification?gentrification: demolish and/or renovate existing structures so people can move in and pay $2500 to $6000 per month for studio to two bedroom apartments.

The public private partnership between the government and the private agency went in to these areas to renovate the historical structure, but they ended up taking the poor out of poverty.

Years later, Aaron was hired to renovate a motel in Florida, and was living in an employee-sponsored apartment with two other workers, one of whom had a truck that was used as a company vehicle by all the co-workers.

Renovate definitions


restore to a previous or better condition; "They renovated the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel"

See also: restitute


make brighter and prettier; "we refurbished the guest wing"; "My wife wants us to renovate"

See also: refurbish


give new life or energy to; "A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health"

See also: animate recreate reanimate revive repair quicken vivify revivify