Remunerate in a sentence as a verb

Espadrine did say "work on a better way to remunerate the content creators.

When there is an evacuation, is the government suddenly on the hook to remunerate?

Google should also remunerate against project traction and returns, and maybe disconnect pay from position.

If I gain some particular value from having read this, I am always free to remunerate the author in the future based on that value.

Now, for morality to be on their side, they need to publicly advocate and work on a better way to remunerate the content creators.

> There should be an easier way to remunerate the photographer, and at more reasonable pricesdoes anybody know of a site that allows this?

> that doesn't remunerate artistsI think if you use copyright music YouTube detects that’s automatically and gives them the ad revenue?

> None of these are ethical problems if you accept the premise that the author of a work is entitled to be remunerated for the production of said workHow do you figure?

Did you communicate your issues to the seller, did they make an attempt to remunerate your concerns?If the pope hat article is remotely accurate, I would not have given this company a 1-star review.

I wonder if Andrew is an a-hole or he really just couldnt do anything about it, it is possible that they didn’t want to remunerate you for legal reasons, in the sense that you could have asked for more later on.

How about automated flagging of images for moderator review, and thinking about ways to reward or remunerate the moderators?CV age detection should really be a thing, if it isn't already.

It's such a preposterous idea that I can only believe that it must have been an error or misinterpretation at some level which has entered into and lingered in the news zeitgeist like a fart in the shower and that these states actually do intend to remunerate their contractors at a fair rate.

Remunerate definitions


make payment to; compensate; "My efforts were not remunerated"

See also: compensate recompense