Remote in a sentence as a noun

37signals comes down against a decree of no more remote working.

Before doing so, I want to merge in the recent changes from the remote master, so I do the familiar git pull.

Instead of complete remote objects it just offers remote interfaces with functions that can be called.

In my experience, those who work remotely tend to be far more in the transactional work category.

That disables the trusted DRM and none of your remote apps will load anymore because your machine is no longer trusted.

Hopefully, the second one will give us remote work, paid paternal leave, 30-day minimum vacations every year, and a hard cap of 50 hours per week.

With some models it is possible to exercise remote control of this firmware, and thus of the phone's computer, through the phone radio network.

I think by getting rid of some privileges like remote working, it is enforcing a discipline that hasn't been at Yahoo, at least during the years that I was there.

I'm going to need to remember how to quote things when I log into a remote machine over ssh, so if TermKit will force me to change habits, that's a big, big problem.

My "favourite" FreeBSD advisory was the 2011 telnetd "christmas present" -- remote root to any system running telnetd with the default options.

Remote in a sentence as an adjective

Even with this rear-guard action in New Jersey, Teslas can be bought direct from the manufacturer just a short distance away or via remote ordering.

It’s rugged build and cloud managed interface make it ideal for “away teams”, monitoring systems in remote locations, and businesses with challenging infrastructure.

The botmaster would issue commands that I can't really recall anymore, but I do remember seeing a lot of commands that I assumed told the bots to download extra malware from a remote host.

It facilitates access to books for print-disabled and remote or underserved populations.

There are a lot of really good reasons for going with a single vendor, and remote wipe is a really valuable tool in case of theft, but the downside is ... well, this.- Use some kind of password storage mechanism.

"6 hours maximum", says the author, for an app translated into English and Spanish that interfaces with a remote database and performs some user-initiated calculations, and also has a bunch of static pages.

It really is poor business lawyering simply to proceed unthinkingly and one-dimensionally in every case to review and mark up everything no matter how remote the risk or how likely it is to be material.

Something that you never use for communication, never publish anywhere, something with its own entirely separate password.- Be careful about owning multiple devices from a single vendor that provides remote access and other kinds of control to those devices.

This would be a big deal if we were an ecommerce company... you'll notice that Amazon is fanatic about avoiding telecommuters; they don't want to accidentally get themselves in a position of effectively raising their prices by 8% on the entire state of Texas just to have one remote employee there.

" "Cause" is usually defined as willful failure or refusal to perform duties that continues after notice and an opportunity to cure, misappropriation or misuse of company trade secrets, commission of a felony or other action involving moral turpitude, etc. and "good reason" is typically defined as material reduction in compensation or duties, relocation to a remote area, etc.

Remote definitions


a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance; "he lost the remote for his TV"


located far away spatially; "distant lands"; "remote stars"

See also: distant


very unlikely; "an outside chance"; "a remote possibility"; "a remote contingency"

See also: outside


separate or apart in time; "distant events"; "the remote past or future"

See also: distant removed


inaccessible and sparsely populated;


far apart in relevance or relationship or kinship ; "a distant cousin"; "a remote relative"; "a distant likeness"; "considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics"

See also: distant