Remonstration in a sentence as a noun

That sounds like a great way to protect those who commit acts worthy of hate from any public remonstration.

You actually thought you had an insight and despite remonstration, you persist in thinking you outwitted everyone on this thread.

After I edited and apologised tptacek deleted his remonstration.

Not quite sure how you read a remonstration of all men out of that article which was, by the way, written by a man.> There is no way a room full of teenage boys wolf whistled that photo of Marie Curie in earnest.

The author would have done much better if, rather than poking sticks at those who wish to forbid gotos, and posting vague and generic quotes about memes and cargo-cults, they had provided several examples of code wherein the use of gotos was a decided improvement, in terms of speed and clarity, over the best that could be done without it. Anyone who has read code that has been twisted out of shape, or entagled with unecessary "done" flags and the like, and who can be improved with such remonstrations, will recognize the virtue in this point of view.

Remonstration definitions


the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest

See also: expostulation remonstrance objection