Remediable in a sentence as an adjective

That is to say, a 'remediable' inefficiency is different than one which there is no better option.

It's also completely remediable with a CRC32 or similar field tacked onto the header; I just didn't think the likelihood warranted that for the initial design.

If your interpretation were correct, it would have been far more clear if the article would have stated up front that the philosopher believes there are remediable issues of methodology and rigor in the field as evidenced by X, Y, and Z; here's why you should care, and here's what can be done.

Shockley's contention was "that the major cause of the American Negro's intellectual and social deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin and, thus, not remediable to a major degree by practical improvements in the environment.

There are plenty of examples of companies that publicly used the big hammer approach to dealing with things before they went with warnings, notices, policy change deadlines, service termination, or any other remediable approach, but so far I haven't seen Apple go that route and they don't deserve to be vilified for doing what we all wish everyone else would do when faced similar kinds of things.

Remediable definitions


capable of being remedied or redressed ; "remediable problems"; "a remediable setback"; "not a crime but only a remediable blunder"