Reluctant in a sentence as an adjective

Even though this might sound to some like a description of what YC does, in fact we're reluctant to fund people who are still in school. There's no rush.

What can the villains in this drama use as power to force their illegal price fixing on reluctant companies? Just what you'd expect."

But the fact Apple has not just shows how reluctant it is to break with consistency. If Apple moves to a new screen size, I think it will have to be larger for backward compatibility with old apps.

This was a reluctant servant taking the only action possible. If you want a moral crusade and a revolution, then you have to answer one key question: what makes you so right?

I'm reluctant to accept any violation of copyright as anything more than a civil issue.

But talking to men around me we are often reluctant to go and see a doctor for regular health checks. If you have a smoke alarm in your home, it's not because you expect a fire, but because you want to be warned if there is one.

All over Europe but even if it's a mere six months it's enough to cause small businesses to be very reluctant to hire women in the child bearing age.

Though they are reluctant, the Danish immigration authorities are obliged to explain how you benefit from this EU loop hole if you ask them about it. Be sure to ask in detail about the requirements.

I have remained an active, albeit reluctant user, and at this point plan to stay that way for at least a little bit longer. I always used to joke that if evernote, things, and dropbox ever merged, I would happily pay double.

The patent holder is reluctant to enter the iOS market because they know it will cannibalize their existing very-expensive-device market. Too bad for them.

High rents also mean everyone lives with their parents, can't afford to buy a house till they get married, and is reluctant to rent a place. They don't have their own space to socialise, have people over, live their own lives, which makes for a pretty sober existence - literally and figuratively.

And now you have faith that this reluctant participant in the ycombinator world will give you the full benefit of the doubt and take the time to learn from secon hand sources that you're not some creep? When journalists new to this whole debacle come across this thread, how much benefit of the doubt do you think you'll receive?

Unless something has radically changed within Google, I'd be very reluctant to question any of their design decisions. I'd be doubly reluctant to call them arrogant whilst panning their design based on nothing but instinct and supposition.

Speaking for myself, unless this was a close personal friend, I would be very reluctant to ever subsequently recommend this individual again. Without delving into anecdotes, I've witnessed a scenario quite similar to this one.

If Snowden had been caught and was now having his brains scrambled by solitary confinement in some secret prison, these companies would have been at least slightly more reluctant to issue such a statement, because it would have seemed to be espousing the cause of someone people were hearing described on the news as a criminal. Snowden made his disclosures much more effective by escaping.

TDD makes that process a lot slower, and makes people more reluctant to throw away incorrect models of the problem that they have codified into tests without even realising it. Of course somebody is going to chip in here and say that if the above is happening then you are writing your tests at the wrong level of abstraction and that you should be testing at the point where you can create a stable API that remains unchanged while you throw away the speculative implementations underneath.

Reluctant definitions


unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom; "a reluctant smile"; "loath to admit a mistake"

See also: loath loth


disinclined to become involved; "they were usually reluctant to socialize"; "reluctant to help"


not eager; "foreigners stubbornly reluctant to accept our ways"; "fresh from college and reluctant for the moment to marry him"