Relocation in a sentence as a noun

You demand relocation to the Bay area or it's a 'no hire'.

Vector relocation is so cheap because all the bits are in the cache.

Startups that demand relocation to NYC or SF are a total show stopper here.

"Open to relocation" is a sequence of words that gets you past that step in our hiring process.

The law:An employer must give notice 60-days prior to a plant closing, layoff or relocation.

I grew up and went to school in Minnesota, and when I was hired by Microsoft, they paid for all of my relocation expenses.

I always thought that strange too. I get a fair number of recruiter emails, and almost all of them seem to assume out of hand that relocation is the least of my concerns, when it probably easily the #1 thing.

We were all offered relocation options to other Google offices, which would come with cost of living pay bumps, paid moving expenses, etc...And they let us open source pieces of the thing we were working on.

The erosion is almost impossible to contain without Flint-style abandoning of large swaths of area and relocation programs for anyone who remains.

For example, they don't pay relocation, don't pay for education, and usually involve 80+ percent "employee contributions" on health insurance.

Any company that wanted me would have had to pay relocation.- There are exactly 4 tech firms in the area, total employment of engineers is < 1000.- I had studied general CS, generally trying not to be tied to a given TLA technology.

To someone who is not sick, forcing them from their village, for forcing them to stay in their village violates their basic human rights, and yet it is for their own good, but if they don't believe that, what moral authority allows us to overrule that belief?As you can see I struggle with the challenge of imposing a solution on these people, knowing that without aggressive actions tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of them will die. While explaining to someone who doesn't understand the virus, or the danger, who undergoes forced relocation to a quarantine camp and is never sick during the outbreak, that they were in very real danger from this thing they do not believe in.

" "Cause" is usually defined as willful failure or refusal to perform duties that continues after notice and an opportunity to cure, misappropriation or misuse of company trade secrets, commission of a felony or other action involving moral turpitude, etc. and "good reason" is typically defined as material reduction in compensation or duties, relocation to a remote area, etc.

Relocation definitions


the transportation of people (as a family or colony) to a new settlement (as after an upheaval of some kind)

See also: resettlement


the act of changing your residence or place of business; "they say that three moves equal one fire"

See also: move