Reliable in a sentence as an adjective

Bluray is not reliable if users don't keep their hardware/software up to date.

The fact is you can get a number of low cost electrical locks from China today that have reliable turning mechanisms.

Integration was easy, the user experience is pretty good, and it's been stable and reliable.

They're usually open surprisingly open to changes that will help them conduct a more reliable interview.

It honestly doesn't feel like a topic for a physics journal even though a reliable positive result would have profound implications for physics.

If you're asked to do something that won't give a reliable measurement of your ability, say so and offer the interviewer a better option.

Given a comparable design, historically, Intel has had much better performance on a process that's actually cheaper and more reliable [3].

The "tubes to transistors" analogy is not just marketing speak: Compared to cellular, pCell is far more reliable, enables much smaller and lower power device and can be continually extended in density.

During that entire time, her article stood with a very prominent notice saying it was going to be deleted, with a prominent link allowing people to argue in favor of keeping or, better yet, locate a real reliable source backing up any claim to her notability.

Reliable definitions


worthy of reliance or trust; "a reliable source of information"; "a dependable worker"

See also: dependable


worthy of being depended on; "a dependable worker"; "an honest working stiff"; "a reliable sourcSFLe of information"; "he was true to his word"; "I would be true for there are those who trust me"

See also: dependable honest


conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief; "an authentic account by an eyewitness"; "reliable information"

See also: authentic