Relentless in a sentence as an adjective

So if you have a company with strong leadership, then I think it can be staved off for a while, but it requires a relentless focus.

A 7 second boot time doesn't mean as much when it gets me to a relentless stream of "the webpage you're at wants to open a webpage you trust - are you sure?

The idea in this article is sometimes true, but it completely fails to take into account the relentless march of technology.

Another superstition trampled under the relentless feet of reason.

An author I'd read in some scifi story or something similar had suggested that the mark of our era was the relentless pursuit and shaming of hypocrisy.

Some of my officemates could fit the salaryman stereotype[1], but all of them posessed a capability for relentless focus.

I was there working on her equipment one day when the last customer left and she spontaneously broke down in tears because it had been a tough day, a tough week, a tough and relentless Summer.

I dare say that perhaps at the time of the meeting, Pinterest's idea and execution were probably stupid, and it took time and relentless iteration to make it a success.

Time is tracked down to the second, you are being recorded and/or monitored at all times, tardiness and absenteeism are ruthlessly enforced with no excuses, and there is relentless pressure to "hit your numbers", which are often nearly impossible.

The answer isn't focus, it's moderation: see the great improvement in recent months in r/science, r/gaming vs r/games, r/askscience is something everyone on the internet should strive to be, etc. all those success stories have one thing in common: active, relentless, remorseless moderation.

Relentless definitions


not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; "grim determination"; "grim necessity"; "Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty"; "relentless persecution"; "the stern demands of parenthood"

See also: grim inexorable stern unappeasable unforgiving unrelenting


never-ceasing; "the relentless beat of the drums"

See also: persistent unrelenting