Reign in a sentence as a noun

And once /opt existed it gave people free reign to create their own trees.

Once you're a politician, you have free reign for corruption.

"The movie in question was made in 1942, during the reign of Mussolini and his facists.

Entire governments keep their reign in part by controlling media.

How is this story anything but a plea to the people to reign in their heinous military masters?

Or, at least, the reign of hyper-realism and hyper-whimsy in UI design.

Last month if you went on CNN and claimed that the NSA had free reign to access whatever they wanted, you'd be considered a conspiracy theorist.

Reign in a sentence as a verb

[2] It sounds like she had way too much free reign at the company and was making people uncomfortable with her activism around her startup.

The same is not true in other industries I participate in where women are even less represented, or old-school boy networks still reign.

The main thing that this new release reveals is not the scope of the data collection, but confirmation that analysts are given free reign to perform queries.

I think it's my innate longing for wayfaring adventure, even unwise and irresponsible adventure, that I constantly have to reign in to keep myself productive.

From the article: "forcing a newspapers editor into exile over a report it doesnt like sounds like a story from the 18th century reign of King George III, not of a supposed 21st century democracy.

I see a lot of that creeping back in through the new concept of a "UX Developer".Here are the three big quotes that are making me nervous:"Its our job to help translate their vision to the development team in a way that they can understand and accept""Similarly, we need to speak on behalf the developers to help reign in the designers, at times.

Reign definitions


a period during which something or somebody is dominant or powerful; "he was helpless under the reign of his egotism"


the period during which a monarch is sovereign; "during the reign of Henry VIII"


royal authority; the dominion of a monarch

See also: sovereignty


have sovereign power; "Henry VIII reigned for a long time"


be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance; "Money reigns supreme here"; "Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood"

See also: predominate dominate rule prevail