Rehash in a sentence as a noun

As you say, such rehashes all sound the same.

* The hash table is rehashed both ways: if it's too full, or if it's too empty.

Try to see the novelty in things that may seem to be a rehash of old ideas.

Because this popular-press rehash of a press release sure doesn't help much.

I'll make sure to add this, but long story short:* We use both chaining and incremental rehashing.

* When we rehash, a second table is created, and stuff are moved incrementally from one to the other.

Seeing someone else go through and seeing them write CSS with live results gave me more insight that the constant rehash of "things you can do with CSS3" .

The majority are written by people who've spent an afternoon looking at Go and decide to rehash the same 5 bullet points.

Rehash in a sentence as a verb

That's not to say I don't argue my point, but afterwards I spend time to rehash what the other person said when I have no pressure to respond.

It's mostly a rehash of same old boring arguments about how special we are, this time because of our "creativity".

Forums like HN tend to rehash all those old arguments with often little thought for the mountains of arguments/evidence already out there.

"Can we rehash all the dozen posts about this from months ago when people swore up on down that Microsoft wasn't going to do... well, what the rest of us expect at this point?

You might find that the majority of the haters you're talking about feel the same; there's been discussion about this recently linked elsewhere in the thread that I won't rehash here.

* We support safe and unsafe iterators: safe iterators block the rehashing when they are active, so you have the feeling you are accessing the hash table in a read-only way.

How many times can you rehash someone releasing, fixing, investing, or selling something?On top of all this we got exactly the tech reporting culture we deserved.

Still, learning this stuff takes hard work, you have to rehash some relevant chemistry first or you get nowhere, than biologists use a lot of both chemical and biological lingo which you have to understand, and only then the actual biological content becomes clear.

Rehash definitions


old material that is slightly reworked and used again; "merely a dull rehash of his first novel"


present or use over, with no or few changes


go back over; "retrograde arguments"

See also: retrograde