Regularisation in a sentence as a noun

Which regularisation techniques have you got in mind?

If you're not using regularisation for logistic regression, you're most likely doing it wrong.

> If you're not using regularisation for logistic regression, you're most likely doing it wrongWhy's that?

Suppose you have a regularisation constant C - without some calculation based on your data how can you pick that constant?

You can even roll your own logistic regression if you want and see how regularisation affects performance etc.

That's effectively regularisation - which I cover in the article.

What the author refers to as "randomization strategies" is in fact regularisation: a set of techniques to prevent over fitting.

Increase learning rates, adjust regularisation penalties, few-shot learning vs generalisation etc.

Regularisation definitions


the condition of having been made regular (or more regular)

See also: regularization


the act of bringing to uniformity; making regular

See also: regulation regularization