Regalia in a sentence as a noun

The emperor may not be wearing his full regalia in this regard, but he's certainly not naked.

They banned the use of Native languages, and all aspects of Native culture such as dancing, regalia, ceremonies, and more.

My very clear experience is that the most dangerous cyclists are often among the ones decked out in full safety regalia.

I didn't like "I, Robot" in full hollywood regalia, and I think apple might not be a good representative for Foundation.

Portions of our far-right literally wear **** regalia.

Appearing in regalia and demanding the moral authority because "I am a bishop of the church" would have been a ridiculous spectacle.

I have also seen her - again, dressed in full pilots regalia - been asked by prospective passengers whether she's ever been up in the helicopter herself.

How exactly do you identify muslim students?You probably aren't running into many devout/conservative type muslims who pray during the day or wear appropriate regalia.

Regalia definitions


paraphernalia indicative of royalty (or other high office)


especially fine or decorative clothing

See also: array raiment