Reforge in a sentence as a verb

Are they trying to reforge the internet so that their corporations can make a few more bucks?

He has self doubt when things go wrong, but he knows who he is and he has a plan - reforge Narsil, go to Gondor, unite all men, fight Sauron.

Doing the reforge course this was something that really stuck out for me. These tech platforms promise the world then slowly cut things out or become inefficient over time to cater for enterprise clients.

Fortunately crowd funding helps reforge the link between fans and creators but it'll be a long, uphill battle before that sort of connection is the norm.

In order to use such a saw a carpenter must have the knowledge of a blacksmith to reforge the metal and combine the two halves of the saw into a single metal blade.

Reforge definitions


cast or model anew; "She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state"

See also: recast remodel