Reflectivity in a sentence as a noun

Eg. taking reflectivity from 90 to 95 percent might double the cost.

And the award for utter oblivious lack of reflectivity goes to duairc.

You can verify it is mostly bugs by looking at the differential reflectivity.

That doesn't provide a way to simulate reflectivity and transparency.

We might be able to setup space mirrors or otherwise increasing the reflectivity of our atmosphere.

I asked a DMV engineer why this policy was put into place and he replied that it was due to decreasing reflectivity over time.

Even more ridiculous.. the full quote is:"We might be able to setup space mirrors or otherwise increasing the reflectivity of our atmosphere.

There's very little discussion of the falsifiable hypotheses he wants to test - some bits about models, reflectivity, and black microbes is all you get.

You mean the part where they built their model off the accurately measurable water vapor content instead of building it off of the ambiguous reflectivity?

In the now-ancient Cringely book called "Accidental Empires" the author relates the story of how the lead engineer working on 3COM's first ethernet card paused his assigned work to measure the reflectivity of his office's ceiling tiles while the seedling company awaited his fundamentally important work.

Reflectivity definitions


the fraction of radiant energy that is reflected from a surface

See also: reflectance


the ability to reflect beams or rays

See also: reflection reflexion


the capability of quiet thought or contemplation

See also: reflectiveness