Reenact in a sentence as a verb

Do we really want to reenact the Android catastrophe in the laptop space?

It's not that we allow him a lot of time but we've noticed he'll memorize lines from shows and then reenact them.

Why is this technology being wasted on shipyards when I could be using it to reenact scenes from Aliens and play rock em sock em cyborg in my backyard?

If America wants to reenact the fall of Rome, that's their prerogative, but as a foreigner I wish other foreigners would not cheerlead them as they do so.

I wish they hadn't, nothing would be better than a billion dollar piece of technology deciding to reenact Sean Connery Jeopardy skits, on Jeopardy.

Not really a mental disorder, but an uncle was a sleepwalker, nothing scary, except he was in the military; and sometimes, he'd reenact war scenes, some times he'd take people for allies, some times not.

Reenact definitions


enact or perform again; "They reenacted the battle of Princeton"


enact again; "Congress reenacted the law"


act out; represent or perform as if in a play; "She reenacted what had happened earlier that day"

See also: enact