Redden in a sentence as a verb

‘I see his blood redden his uniform, hear him moan and groan as he twists with the bayonet in his young body.

I cannot check my girlish blush, My color comes and goes; I redden to my finger-tips, And sometimes to my nose.

We’re talking about a level of wood smoke filling the room which causes eyes to redden and start watering, and makes it physically difficult to breathe.

Other recent articles have discussed the price of dried maggots as a protein source, naming conventions in the Saudi royal family, the Turkish and Hebrew translations of “Joe Blow”, how plutonium-powered pacemakers work, and why you can say “redden”, “whiten”, and “blacken” but not “greenen”.

Redden definitions


turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame; "The girl blushed when a young man whistled as she walked by"

See also: blush crimson flush


make red; "The setting sun reddened the sky"


turn red or redder; "The sky reddened"