Redact in a sentence as a noun

Or in the case of this jury, to be able to redact error free concensus from the group.

"Julian was very reluctant to delete those names, to redact them.

In keeping with that line of thought would it not be better to redact the information you are presenting?

Interesting; it appears someone failed to redact some data from the slides.

* Allow people to redact their own information, but display it as having been redacted.

Does Google delete the entire article, or just redact the sensitive information?

It's pretty easy to redact a message so as to show they are the same message but without giving away sensitive info.

Redact in a sentence as a verb

For the specific purposes of redaction, it's not about whether something "needs" to be classified.

Even Wikileaks redact information that could get innocent people in trouble/killed.

?>Wikileaks, at least with the initial major leak, does not redact or edit information to protect anyone.

I've wondered this for a while, and a web search was not forthcoming, so I'll ask here:How do you properly redact a physical paper document?

They've been careful to redact Carreon's contact info from the document's they've published and they've been saying things like "And to anyone else who is reading this: it goes without saying, but stop harassing Carreon.

He's not Steinbeck and doesn't have a millionaire Peter Norton to help him stay private, but you have the power to redact those bits from your article, and it would likely be a nice action on your part to talk to your editors at Slate and do so.

Redact definitions


someone who puts text into appropriate form for publication

See also: redactor reviser rewriter


formulate in a particular style or language; "I wouldn't put it that way"; "She cast her request in very polite language"

See also: frame cast couch


prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting; "Edit a book on lexical semantics"; "she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages"

See also: edit