Recumbent in a sentence as an adjective

Yes can't see a recumbent working on the Hors catgorie climbs.

Everybody knows that ugly bikes are slow, and recumbents are as ugly as they come.

You can put a fairing on your recumbent bike today [1] although to get a fully enclosed shell you'd have to go custom.

That machine is competitive with 'normal' recumbent bikes, except in climbs.

The greatest drawback of my recumbent is the inability to use backpack at the same time.

I understand that if you put an enclosure around a recumbent and run it on salt flats, you will hit a higher top speed.

It looks unstable, difficult to maneuver, and even dorkier than a recumbent.

The market doesn't support fully enclosed bikes, recumbent or otherwise, because they're not practical.

Why are you comparing recumbents to safety bicycles?

I have been a cyclist for almost four decades and for a good three of those recumbent bicycles have been touted as faster and better.

So it makes sense that you have Gandalf back there with his beard and recumbent bike banging out magical koans to keep the database alive, while young bucks guard the front gate of the castle.

"recumbent cycles are faster under many conditions"Is this demonstrably true under less than ideal conditions?

As a cyclist interested in recumbent and other alternative bicycle designs, I disagree.

Not always applicable to your average US city.>In fact I think the best form of transport is a recumbent tricycleUntil you try to go uphill unfortunately.

Especially the recumbent bikes community is very actively hacking better machines.

A faired two-wheeler with a recumbent seating position is naturally very close to the aerodynamically ideal dolphin-shape.

Frame designs that are unridable in theory turn out to be relatively practical - perhaps the oddest example of this is the Python recumbent, which steers in the middle, drives at the front and has no handlebars[1].

Reminds me of a recumbent bicycle, which I was always bewildered by - I live in nyc and can never imagine riding around on one because I wouldn't be able to see anything except the backs of vehicles.

It has always seemed to me that the recumbent position is countered by both the ability to stand up and put weight on the pedals for speed/acceleration and having a shorter wheel base while being on a taller pivot for handling.

I would feel scared in it on the streets due to low height - rinding a bicycle is fun, efficient but a tad risky; but riding a recumbent or this one feels like a deathwish since a SUV or truck wouldn't notice a 90cm high vehicle right in front of them, it would be obscured behind car front hood.

Recumbent definitions


lying down; in a position of comfort or rest

See also: accumbent decumbent