Recruit in a sentence as a noun

If you have a recruiting arm, and they are trying to recruit, god be with them.

Instead, I'm going to have to manually recruit people.

I watched the firm spend, spend, spend to recruit "the best and the brightest" from Ivy League schools.

Pay top dollar to retain and recruit talent.

They do recruit some kids from college and send then to the US or Australia and get them their tickets.

They don't have drug dealer boyfriends or friends who try to recruit them into burglarizing a house.

* It's ludicrously hard to recruit and retain talent right now. I've spent the better part of two years with that as my number one biz objective.

Recruit in a sentence as a verb

I don't understand the context, but I don't know why you'd publicly post an email like that when it seems like an earnest attempt to recruit the guy. "No thanks" would suffice.

And yet, every week here we're regaled with pitiful cries from founders that "we can't recruit and hire enough talent!

Presto: Blackmail, shakedown, extortion, recruit as an informer or a mole, etc.

HN and other tech news venues might be the correct places to recruit support, but you ultimately want to lobby your case directly.

I personally helped recruit 2 young women over the course of the weekend who were looking for junior/intern positions.

It biases recruiting towards people in their twenties, leaving experienced and capable family people on the table.

Recruit definitions


a recently enlisted soldier


any new member or supporter (as in the armed forces)

See also: enlistee


register formally as a participant or member; "The party recruited many new members"

See also: enroll inscribe enter enrol


seek to employ; "The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants"


cause to assemble or enlist in the military; "raise an army"; "recruit new soldiers"

See also: levy raise