Recover in a sentence as a verb

After telling us there's no chance they'd recover our stolen stuff, they took off.

I've swapped logic cards with working HD's to recover data.

"If you are a CTO you should be asking this question: "How quickly can we recover from a perfect storm?

Don't try this at home with modern drives, get a recovery team to help you if the customer can afford the cost.

> > I can go further and reset the master refs to their former shas if you'd like, or you can recover these yourself.

* Plan for the worst, hope for the best - develop strategies to recover from falling back into old habits.

Those tend to get a lot of upvotes and heated discussion too. I do not think that it will recover unless PG & Co start moderating it in a more heavy handed way.

Negative experiences are very common, and it gets easier to recover from them as you get older.

Unfortunately when a droplet was destroyed it was gone from the system and it wasn't possible to recover.

Use alcohol sparingly: one drink is fine, but it takes a week to recover from a night of serious drinking... and if you're coding, you actually notice the loss.

If you remove the recovery image, I presume you will not be able to recover the Surface Pro without additional media.

Their mission being vital, he ordered his men to leave him and find that crossing, which they did. Although they sent a medic to recover their officer, upon finding him the medic refused to give him morphine, saying that he didn’t have enough to waste on a man who would die in a few minutes anyway.

Therefore, removing the recovery image results in a feature disparity between the systems.

And once the world moves against you, those that you so aggressively bullied will cheer your demise: you will never recover until you accept that you have failed your customers and violated their trust.

'.It's easy to say that being raped should be like breaking a leg: an unfortunate event that can happen during a lifetime in human society with all its strange and from which you can recover after some pain and trouble.

> > But, no worries: I've gone through each of the repos listed above and done the following : > > * retrieved the SHA for the previous `master` before you force-pushed > * created a branch called `recovery` pointing to each former master > > In some cases, these are the same.

Recover definitions


get or find back; recover the use of; "She regained control of herself"; "She found her voice and replied quickly"

See also: retrieve find regain


get over an illness or shock; "The patient is recuperating"

See also: recuperate convalesce


regain a former condition after a financial loss; "We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90"; "The company managed to recuperate"

See also: recuperate


regain or make up for; "recuperate one's losses"

See also: recoup recuperate


reuse (materials from waste products)

See also: reclaim


cover anew; "recover a chair"