Rebelliousness in a sentence as a noun

I'm pretty sure that only meant `**** you` with some country-style rebelliousness thrown in.

I think it also takes a sense of rebelliousness, in the sense of, "Why should I have to answer to anyone but myself?

He was the image of youth rebelliousness but too often crossed the cavern of casual disregard of others.

Not to sound condescending, I found I grew out of The Wall, I think because it deals a lot with issues from childhood and rebelliousness.

>But what about the rebelliousness that brought about the hyperlink, the mouse, and the iPhone?Are those really rebellions?

I hope Linus is better than that, and suffers from nothing more than anger management and healthy rebelliousness

And I'm not seeing a lot of empiricism here - lots of emotion, angst, rebelliousness, armchair theorizing, and hope.

Hedonism doesn’t need to be conflated with bad behaviour or rebelliousness.

It's rich seeing people who think standing around on the pavement and waiting for the police to come beat you is rebellion try to lecture others about "rebelliousness".

The kids decide what they want to contribute, and then they figure out how they are going to do it.> I've always thought the main driver for leaving home is instinctive, basically teenage rebelliousness.

Sega handed Nintendo its *** during the early 90s in the USA by positioning themselves as the modern video game company for the 90s, full of rebelliousness and attitude.

Sometimes a display of ignorance masquerades as cynical, truth-to-power rebelliousness.—I almost want to visit SF just to see if there are as many bros as some people have led me to believe.

Mischievousness like this is rarely an expression of malice, but more likely curiosity, rebelliousness, perhaps boredom, etc. the punishment should reflect that.

General teenage stupid stuff was attributed to inexperience rather than rebelliousness.

Starting before 21 legally != Starting before 21 illegallyYou'd be surprised how much of a difference it makes when you remove the rebelliousness and allure of doing something illegally.

Yes like the recommended approach with teenagers isn't to say "don't do ***** because I say so", but "drug sellers are trying to manipulate you into giving them money by making you addicted".You have to use their natural rebelliousness to your advantage.

Rebelliousness definitions


intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude

See also: defiance


an insubordinate act

See also: insubordination