Realness in a sentence as a noun

I still don't see how a book with text's "realness" helps.

I jolt of realness is a precious thing.

How can a computer evaluate the 'realness' of a review?

And most of these scenes are not real, but created in a computer, and the flare is added to create "realness".

What makes you think filmmakers are interested chiefly in visual "realness"?

In each there is some element of "realness" that is predicted by theory but inaccessible to measurement.

You don't treat major depression with "realness" because the brain has the ultimate control of sensation and perception.

Yeah, unless they've been examined by a doctor, it's hard to overstate the power and seeming realness of psychological symptoms that may simply be triggered by a bad smell.

Because an electronic "thing" is never going to be "ready-at-hand", it will forever need a ready-at-hand physical object to give a comforting sense of realness.

A rater's "realness" is probably much better judged by other measures of marketplace activity or simply equal weighting than by their willingness to pay to bias the ranking of a particular review.

Realness definitions


the state of being actual or real; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him"

See also: reality realism