React in a sentence as a verb

Homines sapientes react to it like this: **!

If there is no reaction that is a good benchmark, they don't have to stop and do anything.

And Dawkins himself was also curious why people had this reaction to his books.

Luckily for me, I was quick enough to react and hide away my most important item, my iPhone 4.

Obviously, the copyright lobby will react by trying to strengthen the laws, and step up enforcement.

The root problem is that they made changes designed to create profit, but failed to correctly understand how the rest of the system would react.

And that can be a big adjustment, and the types of folks that Google typically hire usually react to not being on top by working harder.

We could debate whether this would "work" on a practical level as if this was a Powerpoint presentation for Steve Ballmer and we're supposed to predict how he'd react.

The lesson, applicable to games, startups, governance, and indeed systems engineering in general, is that systems react.

After watching the community react to this debate, I'm pretty confident that the average bitcoin supporter is not intentionally defrauding people.

In each case, there is legitimate reason for many to complain of the misuses because they hurt people and people react to being hurt, and the law has measures in place to punish the direct malefactors in various ways.

How criminal defendants are going to react if, years later, they learn that the government was holding exculpatory information?And it's just going to go on, and on, until they finally open it all up.

This delayed G+'s adoption enough that Facebook in particular was able to react, improving both its then-primary web UI, make some privacy improvements, and significantly shore up its public perception.

Originally truckers were employed directly by the companies, but eventually those companies realized they could react to unionization by outsourcing truckers, either into private shell companies that closed down as soon as unionization hit or by hiring truckers as contractors.

React definitions


show a response or a reaction to something

See also: respond


act against or in opposition to; "She reacts negatively to everything I say"

See also: oppose


undergo a chemical reaction; react with another substance under certain conditions; "The hydrogen and the oxygen react"