Ravine in a sentence as a noun

The Grand Canyon is pretty, but it's just a big ravine.

I skidded half way down an icy ravine while skiing.

His mother, while holding him, has jumped into the ravine before the bullets hit them.

The man who goes alone can also slip on a mossy rock and slowly starve to death in a ravine with a broken leg.

But I increasingly feel that as a tech worker, I'm on a train careening towards a ravine without a bridge.

And I say this as a biology major who grew up on 5 acres with a natural aquifer and a ravine that fed a 50 acre swamp.

I mean imagine how long it takes to drag increasingly thicker cables over a couple of kilometers of ravine.

It's safe and still in use. Therefore, as long as we get the DeLorean up to 88 miles per hour before we hit the edge of the ravine, we'll instantaneously arrive at a point in time where the bridge is completed.

This would make sense if testing was truely the hardest aspect of programming: if testing was the great ravine that thwarted aspiring programmers.

If you had a bulldozer and found a strategically located ravine, you might actually bother to construct an earthen damn.

Me and my Air are just gonna give you a sad look from our perch on a footbridge across a beautiful ravine full of trees, and lie back in the sun for another few hours.

I can help your developers and your designers make sweet, sweet product loveā€¦ because I have one foot on each side of the ravine, and can bridge it with my communication skills.

However, 1000 generations after an earthquake, the species on both sides of the created ravine have diverged so much they can no longer interbreed.

I once got stuck deep in a ravine, and 150' of synthetic rope fell short of the nearest tree by 5 feet, but a tow strap and tree saver made up the difference and I got to sleep in my bed that night, rather than in the jeep.

Putting your life and business plans on hold to find a co-founder when you don't have one and can't articulate a legitimate need for one is usually a reliable way to produce the financial equivalent of slipping on a mossy rock and slowly starving to death in a ravine with a broken leg.

?It is very unlikely, had Microsoft not decided to go nuts and release a dead-end train wreck of an OS that thew it's passengers/users into the ravine in the name of chasing MacOS and touchscreens that everyone wanted with the same enthusiasm as to 3DTV, that Valve would be so scared of the future on Windows that they would need their own Linux-based platform.

Ravine definitions


a deep narrow steep-sided valley (especially one formed by running water)