Rallying in a sentence as a noun

They are a good tool for rallying support behind an idea.

And you've forgotten that to the point where you're actually rallying against it!Come back to the light, fine sir!

> "gay propaganda"What's that now?> "to kids"Ah, "think of the children", the rallying cry of the oppressor.

Admittedly, it worked theyve achieved their goal, and death to EE became the rallying cry." I don't really get this.

My read on it is that rallying the funds is only the first hurdle in getting the land to this organization.

Be it rallying the staff, conveying a vision, or providing an update, the main thing is to inspire, connect, motivate and direct.

Rallying in a sentence as an adjective

" for long enough to realize they should be rallying together to fight this simple yet very destructive change that is right over the horizon.

A vague hope of consistency and cohesion accompanying the announcement of a program "approaching its first alpha release" isn't a rallying cry.

He is trying to actually change things in his state by using rational discourse, reasonable publicity and rallying both popular and distinguished support.

Those mediums are fine but there seems to be a rallying cry against actually learning anything about computing in anything other than bite size pieces and thus get a lot of fad driven movements and an over population of redundant frameworks and libraries.

I'm glad to see that so many of us appear to be rallying around what appears to have the potential of being a "Facebook killer".I shouldn't be so emotionally invested, but after years of Facebook acting like assholes to all of us, I hope Google lays complete and utter waste to them.

So what I am saying is, it was never about changing people's minds to not copy a CD or a movie but it was mainly about rallying and lobbying for their cause; a self-feeding cluster-frakk because the topic is then obviously "en vogue" so politicians can no longer ignore them and have to give in to their demands.

Rallying definitions


the act of mobilizing for a common purpose; "the bell was a signal for the rallying of the whole neighborhood"


the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort; "he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning"; "he feared the rallying of their troops for a counterattack"

See also: rally


rousing or recalling to unity and renewed effort; "a rallying cry"