Quota in a sentence as a noun

Firefox then attempts to use that space, and quickly exhausts the user's quota.

There was a close call in that the 2 TB or so of "new" data ended up pushing VSS over quota and we almost lost our good versions of the files that way.

They hire salespeople that have "consistently exceeded quota" and "increased customer spend by x" or some other sales achievement.

Does this mean that I can just limit my Bittorrent client to only connect to peers in Comcast's network, if I don't want Bittorrent traffic to count against my quota?

For ages, there'll be lots of player-friendly new things and shiny new figures and the terrible quota-driven managers at the shops will be replaced with the people who are there because they love their hobby.

I understand the distaste for negativity in general, but if you have a quota on the amount of negativity taken "from one person", then you're judging the person rather than the message.

More than a decade into hosting-as-a-business model, I still don't see why 'temporarily over quota' messages aren't replaced with an offer to let the audience sponsor a bump in quota, either for just the current viewer or however many viewers the next quantum of hosting can support.

A businessman is on vacation on an island; walking on the beach, he comes across a middle-aged man sitting next to a very small rusty boat.- What do you do?- Right now I'm not doing anything; sometimes I fish.- So you're a fisherman?- If you want to call it that.- Why aren't you fishing now?- As I'm sure you'd put it, I have reached my daily quota.- What's your quota?- One fish a day.

Quota definitions


a prescribed number; "all the salesmen met their quota for the month"


a proportional share assigned to each participant


a limitation on imports; "the quota for Japanese imports was negotiated"