Quip in a sentence as a noun

I once read a quip in an interview with a sci-fi author.

I can guarantee by your quip; you have never dealt with\nour legal system.

My last comment, a quip about about how every programmer thinks they're the best, was worth 64 points.

It's a funny quip but it's getting more attention than the important piece of news it highlights.

On occasion you get a witty quip or a good story, but there's just no meaningful flow of conversation.

Raymond's quip may be somewhat hyperbolic for effect, but I think it's harder to argue with the assertion that "with many eyes, many bugs are shallow".

Quip in a sentence as a verb

I'm not sure I want to work in an industry where some offhanded quip can lead to the kind witchhunt and character assassination like we saw over the last few days.

I just want to mention the opening quip:"For the past two decades, the Internet has operated as an unregulated, competitive free market.

> the wisdom that "Emacs is a good operating system, it just needs a decent text editor".that's not wisdom; that's a sarcastic quip by the vim side of the emacs-vim/vim-emacs religious war.

I found that the quip about how the document that they are sharing while having a conversation is not screensharing as we commonly understand it in modern parlance to be pretty illuminating.

"The books have been scanned in high resolution and color so you can see the engraved illustrations, the beauty of the embossed covers, along with maps and even the texture of the paper the books were printed on."A better quip would involve PNG files.

Quip definitions


a witty saying

See also: epigram


witty remark

See also: wisecrack crack sally


make jokes or quips; "The students were gagging during dinner"