Quintuple in a sentence as a noun

For that they get to roughly quintuple the sale price. Sounds doable to me.

I would bet that you can charge a bit more for things than Walmart, if you can double to quintuple the quality. Imagine not having things that break quickly.

Ah, but did they test positive for the sordid quintuple of the major douchebag arcana?

You could and should quintuple your price. This looks like an excellent product and would basically be a core component of any business that chooses to use it.

On the other hand, to value it at 50 billion you have to assume that its earnings will at least quintuple over time, so good luck to them.

From say quintuple to triple redundancy. Comb through the remaining system admins and remove those viewed as most likely to "leak" information.

Quintuple in a sentence as a verb

It's entirely plausible for mass market speculation to, say, quintuple the price of the Botswanan note.

Seriously you should think of how much money you would need to incentive you to really focus, then quintuple it, then post a kickstarter.

Secondly, you could quintuple the price of all of Watson's ***** through a tax and the ***** would cost less than Pfizer's. >I agree that there are alternatives to the current patent system, but like democracy, "it may not be perfect, but it's the best system so far".

I could quintuple-salt my passwords with 4096 byte salts chosen purely randomly and there would be no perceivable advantage over a single 512 bit salt.

The sellers could prove that a new product would quintuple productivity, so asking for a doubled price was damn near an act of charity, not highway robbery. Also useful was their treatment of calculating the cash effect of pricing changes.

He said he's on track to quintuple his investment in just under 3 years. He attributes his success not to some special gift of insight, just that he didn't believe that the Bay Area housing market was 'never' going to be the same, and where other investors were too timid to invest he stepped in.

Quintuple in a sentence as an adjective

The move has nothing to with Linux the desktop and everything to do with a future Linux-powered console/SteamBox. Desktop Linux could quintuple it's number of game purchasing users and it would still be inconsequential. The ancillary benefits for Linux, such as non-shitty gpu drivers, will be great but let's not make this out to be something it isn't.

No, I would not say Alan was smart, because he ended up writing a product with half the functionality, triple the amount of bugs, quintuple the amount of code, and quadruple the amount of employees. He didn't engineer the solution to minimize costs, maintenance, and simplicity while maximizing functionality.

Your flagship smartphone might have a quintuple-band chip in it so that you can sell the same model everywhere, but most of these smaller devices only do two or three bands, where the antenna can be smaller / they can get away with using fewer of them.

If bandwidth consumption were to quintuple it wouldn't require any significant rate increase -- it has been increasing exponentially for years with no real trouble. The only reason telcos talk about heavy users is that they want to engage in price discrimination and they know it confuses people who are used to dealing with commodities whose dominant cost is the unit cost rather than ones whose dominant cost is the fixed cost of building a distribution system.

By comparison, you can launch a social game for five/six figures in two months, your primary acquisition method will be virality backed up by cross-promotions and FB ads, if it doesn't work you shoot it in the head and do another one, and if it does work you double-down on development and quintuple-down on advertising and then print money hats.

Quintuple definitions


a set of five similar things considered as a unit

See also: quintet quintette quintuplet


increase fivefold; "The population of China quintupled"


having five units or components

See also: fivefold five-fold