Quietude in a sentence as a noun

When I need my imagination to run I need rest, time, and quietude.

I know they say that there's no such thing as bad publicity, but sheesh!I'm amazed that KP didn't just buy some quietude here.

There's nothing like the quietude of considered thought - sometimes it was one's only escape amidst gunfire...

The quietude and calmness even in a group setting made it a lot easier to focus on a group engineering project.

Ha, finally someone that agrees with me. Though not everyone has quietude in their home, I dislike it when I visit a coffee shop and everyone is working or doing meetings.

A good 20 minutes of simple quietude and deep breathing twice a day definitely helps me be more productive and more focused.

I would further argue that safety and quietude are not basic rights, and while I'm open to having my mind changed on the topic, I have never been able to find evidence that what you say is so.

" George Washington"The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as property.

"Thomas Paine: "The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property.

Still, making time to sit and let the emotional wattage of daily life dissipate through the slightly enlarged vessel of quietude-and-sensory-withdrawn-mind will help immensely.

Because when king and sovereign, country and realm have need, then we must ward against the enemies of the land, protect and shield with all our powers and possessions our fatherland, so that our subjects may live and exist in peace and quietude.

If you do this patiently and diligently, your thoughts will slow down of their accord, and you'll find yourself sinking deeper and deeper into a state of quietude that we information workers are nearly doomed to miss out on if we don't make a point of cultivating it.

I listen to NPR a fair amount but it's always a bit hit or miss as to whether I'll catch it at an interesting moment, since my listening is basically "whenever I happen to be in the car, or possibly out for a walk where I don't want to enjoy quietude.

Quietude definitions


a state of peace and quiet

See also: tranquillity tranquility quietness