Quantify in a sentence as a verb

I struggle to quantify the harm, but it's there.

I can't quantify exactly how much, but it's a lot.

Perhaps there's moral hazard and I'm not smart enough to know how one would quantify that, but again - I had to admire that.

So Meaney’s team undertook a new experiment, with a new set of dams, to try to quantify these patterns.

I'm not trying to say college isn't worth it and won't pay dividends, I'm just saying we can't put a number on a graph to quantify it like that.

I personally was able to quantify the benefit of working remotely in terms of distractions.

In theory it would be possible to go back through the blockchain and measure/quantify what percentage of newly mined coins in a certain time period are being spent.

Is it possible to quantify that sort of emergent complexity that happens in life, or in a work or story with artistic direction that takes on a life of its own?

Perhaps someone will someday quantify the additional risk airlines forced on passengers when they started charging for every bag.

OP is a friend of mine, and when I first heard of his problem I wondered if there might be an analytical solution to quantify the difference between intelligent vs naive routing.

"Ah, yes -- that conclusion should be easy to rigorously quantify, explain in neuroscientific terms, turn into a general theory, and replicate before anyone assumes we're doing actual science.

Sometimes some expenses which are about building for the future and investing into new growth are not capitalized. This is the case because for some expenses the benefits are so uncertain and difficult to quantify that the SEC requires that they are reported as ordinary expenses instead of capital spending.

Quantify definitions


use as a quantifier


express as a number or measure or quantity; "Can you quantify your results?"

See also: measure