Purr in a sentence as a noun

But yes, agreed, cats can do cute things, petting is fun, and feeling them purr is great.

It's sort of like how luxury car engines are expected to "purr.

The man in the Ministry of Housinge cat detector van can pinpoint a purr at 400 yards, but he didn't have the right form.

Strip all those things away and machines purr along happily with less ******** to deal with, which means simpler, more efficient code.

Is duct tape an acceptable facilitator of purr programming?

Purr in a sentence as a verb

Some sit on your lap and purr almost instantaneously, some are very nervous, some are playful, some mischievous, some seem to love kids, some don't etc etc.

A massive component of the Mad Max movie for me was the phenomenal sound work starting from the brilliant score to the unique purr of each vehicle's engine.

The reason you don't discern the presence of any problem is that you happily purr along as an effective 'human compiler' in a language with a [relatively] lower level of abstraction.

Thin the cat's diet slowly over time, widen a border here, replace some text with an icon there, and the small bits of death and shrinkage that occur over time will mean that cat will soon be ready to contentedly purr its way into that jar and fall into a dreamy slumber all of its own accord.

Purr definitions


a low vibrating sound typical of a contented cat


make a soft swishing sound; "the motor whirred"; "the car engine purred"

See also: whizz whiz whirr whir birr


indicate pleasure by purring; characteristic of cats