Purplish in a sentence as an adjective

The 50 is pinkish and the 20 a purplish colour.

So just like white with the tiniest bit of red becomes pink, a purplish sea becomes red?

The maroon is a bit too purplish for my taste, maroon is supposed to be dark red, not purple.

Instead you'll get a purplish blue, a yellowy green and an orangey red.

To me the only thing negative that stuck out was the purplish necrotic colour of the hands.

Totally agree but you are not a politician up for re-election in AZ/PA/MI or some purplish state.

Any time I've ever shot at night using a HMI people's skin looks purplish unless you add in some incandescent light to warm it up.

It's suggested that you don't stare directly at sources of this purplish color for any protracted periods.

When we close both eyes, we perceive a blackness, or perhaps some sort of reddish/purplish glow of light through eyelids, or the after-effect of light.

Most of the aftermarket kits I've seen on the road have had a very high color temperature -- very very blue, or sometimes outright purplish.

Once they hit mach 10 or so you start seeing a purple light trail from the Argon where electrons get excited by the passing body and then drop back down to ground state emitting a purplish photon.

Specifically, Harmattan's in-built apps came with color schemes for broad categories: blueish for communication, orangish for productivity, purplish for media etc.

It is effective at reducing the reflection of the window behind you, it uses a thin film to cause destructive interference so that the light coming in the window not reflected, and you see a greenish-purplish image of the window instead of getting a bright reflection.

Is this what allows me to see the very faint red/purplish glow of IR led's that form the ring around a lot of security camera's?Or the IR light that is used to photograph my license plate for the license plate tolls?Or is that just imperfections in the creation of the IR light in the first place?

Purplish definitions


of a color intermediate between red and blue

See also: purple violet