Purify in a sentence as a verb

Mined sapphire is not useful for using as a lens as you can't purify it - it must be made pure.

Dumb machines can separate and purify it to high levels.

An equivalent quote would be> "He had to purify the ammonia.

According to one of the residents in the video, all you need to do to purify meat is to freeze it and then cook it.

Because liberals wholly reject giving "purity" sexual or racial content, they choose to purify themselves through health, and in particular, food.

In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism - I helped purify Nicaragua for [an] international banking house.

"In this and the next decade, we will begin to make energy and food abundant, inexpensively purify and sanitize water from any source, cure disease, and educate the worlds masses.

Maybe the biggest improvement in c programming over the last decade is valgrind, making purify-like debugging available to everyone.

Just thinking about this, there were probably 100s of innovations just to mine and purify and machine sapphire in past 100s of years so that in 2000s we can finally produce acceptable quality tiny camera lens.

Purify definitions


remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation; "purify the water"

See also: sublimate distill


make pure or free from sin or guilt; "he left the monastery purified"

See also: purge sanctify


become clean or pure or free of guilt and sin; "The hippies came to the ashram in order to purify"