Punter in a sentence as a noun

The punter needs to be a gullible fool, since a fool and his money are soon parted.

Far, far more work went into version 2, but take a punter's opinion and it'll be 'meh, not much'.

Hint: the banks would never lend them this money if they did not know more than your average punter.

"Troll hugging" really does work - it's amazing how fast a user can turn from troll to punter.

Think of it like an American football punter doing high-kicks before a punt.

There's a crucial social aspect of queuing that the article doesn't discuss - it makes you feel like a punter.

Apparently punter is less offensive than I thought.

As a punter, if my machine brakes, I want it replaced or fixed, not a legal mumbo jumbo debate.

Where as the average punter only wants limited set of things to work well. And these tabs do that really well. And, of course, there is more of them than us!!!!!

When the average punter is inconvenienced on mass is when IP6 will properly roll out.

But then what is the point of paying for enterprise support if all you get is the same generic response a normal punter gets?

And there are some fierce laws about coercion and trafficking - the punter is guilty if the sex-worker is coerced even if the punter didn't know.

It's aimed at the committee members, not the average punter, and it is serious because an emotional non-fact-based driven approach would backfire.

How to make this more interesting to the average punter than Facebook, while maintaining global appeal and not having to take on the burden of content creation ourselves?

It would be very cool to power the first human powered helicopter, but I suspect we are not typical, in that the typical punter cares more about sport than a helicopter.

>> If you think thats bad, you havent heard the half of it. Another reviewer mentioned being able to taste the dry saliva of a previous punter on the escorts ****** while he sucked itO...M...G...Edit: there is something, levelling, and humanising about the sheer unexpectedness of this.

Punter definitions


someone who propels a boat with a pole


(football) a person who kicks the football by dropping it from the hands and contacting it with the foot before it hits the ground


someone who bets

See also: bettor better wagerer