Punic in a sentence as a noun

It made me wonder whether "punic" was the root of words like "punish" and "punitive".

Punic in a sentence as an adjective

For instance, the fall of Carthage in the 3rd punic war, wherein the Romans literally destroyed the entire city and killed the vast majority of the entire population, some 445,000 people, a truly massive city in the ancient world.

Punic definitions


the Phoenician dialect of ancient Carthage

See also: Punic


of or relating to or characteristic of ancient Carthage or its people or their language; "the Punic Wars"; "Carthaginian peace"

See also: Carthaginian Punic


tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans; "Punic faith"; "the perfidious Judas"; "the fiercest and most treacherous of foes"; "treacherous intrigues"

See also: perfidious treacherous