Pummel in a sentence as a verb

Add this to the rewrite it in rust meme and people feel entitled to pummel the author to the ground.

When your service is failing, maybe it's not the best time to invite users to pummel it with requests.

I hope the guys at Hellosign pummel DocuSign the way it counts, by winning the market.

Similar, except it uses the exact same song for every "pummel".

And nothing can filter out or block this astronomical amount of radiation that will pummel the crew.

They would get tremendous kudos and support from the community and Wall Street would mercillessly pummel them.

So imaging your space ship getting pummeled by particles at 670,616,629 mph and the faster you go the more particles you got bombarded with.

You would still need an army for when enemyCountryX decides that they can just pummel you because you're busy playing video games.

I bet new and well-maintained ones don't, but I've seen lots of crummy old microwaves in offices that absolutely pummel the wifi when they're in use.

There were no industries to destroy, no population whose morale to pummel - since the morale of the population did not matter!

I know maybe two kids in my nerd group who got into fights, ever, and neither of those was a case of random abuse: both sides wanted to pummel the other side.

And we've probably seen way more incidents where a mini-mob of cops decided it was good to pummel on someone, just because their blue brothers are doing it.

Browser makers like Mozilla think it's appropriate that holding down F5 should repeatedly pummel the server in accord with keyboard repeat rates.

We routinely pummel Datadog with massive amounts of data from hundreds of hosts and it does an amazing job of showing us the data we need and alerting us when something is wrong.

Yeah, the real title of the article is "In supersecret cyberwar game, civilian-sector techies pummel active-duty cyberwarriors".

Pummel definitions


strike, usually with the fist; "The pedestrians pummeled the demonstrators"

See also: pommel biff