Pulchritudinous in a sentence as an adjective

> pulchritudinous wow, that's some word of the year type ****. it means "beautiful" for those who were about to look it up.

But the international team can’t parse through the pulchritudinous prose. “Very sad” it is, then, on the technical Slack.

It does feel a little crazy, though, when suddenly all the vocab words are like, "tergiversate" and "pulchritudinous". And then when you get them all wrong it's back to "the cat sat on the mat".

It deserves props for introducing me to the word “pulchritudinous”.

I think if you're going to use "disharmonious" as your benchmark, you should be comparing it with "pulchritudinous" instead.

I haven't seen fungible, pulchritudinous, or similar words that the average person may not know.

I also first heard "pulchritudinous" in a game, Sandy Petersen's 1991 space combat role-playing game Hyperspeed. As an adult of 36.

Since we're being pedantic, I'd point out that pulchritudinous is only used for people of great physical beauty, it's not a generic replacement for beautiful.

This drug/sex/cult cocktail, combined with my round pulchritudinous derriere, and the sudden shock of losing his ability to play his daily role of dressing up as Dr. Parnassus while gently fondling my perky nipples and supple breasts that he had affectionately named the Merry Mammary Sisters of Nippopolis, and Queens of the Breastiary - led to Frank's complete mental breakdown. I don't blame Frank for my rockin body, just as I don't blame you for being attracted to my intelligence and funding my project on Kickstarter.

Pulchritudinous definitions


used of persons only; having great physical beauty; "pulchritudinous movie stars"