Puking in a sentence as a noun

But then there are also the regular sleepless nights where I wake up puking, just from the stress.

To be 100% honest, I could probably do it whilst maven is puking in the Eclipse log window.

If our body holds out and we don't feel like puking after that one or many hills, we can feel elated.

I suddenly woke up from anesthesia puking all over the place.

2. turning back to my local airfield because my 2-year old son was puking like crazy in the back... now all these blackbird stories make me really, really jealous.

He couldn't walk, and I picked him up fireman's style, and he was coughing out and puking water all down my back as I carried him to shore.

I was lying on a concrete floor, near puking, having just humiliated myself on the king of all strength exercises, the old-school back squat.

But it's an indisputable fact that some problems are hard enough that they can't be solved by puking code and tests in a matter of hours or days, or by adding more people to the team.

One of the girls that had gone up to cananda with me was puking her guts out in the basement bathroom and refusing to speak anything but broken French and they were completely fine with this.

This could be smashing in a window, violence, emotional outbursts, just plain old puking embarassment.. or, well, sexual things, for the sake of my point let’s assume the choice here is random.

My bro has found himself in 21 ft swells with a crew of four experienced sailors and 2 of them ended up lying in their bunks puking their guts out - completely debilitated and unable to help.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, of course, but you would really choose six months in a hospital bed, puking your guts out over three months of a reasonable quality of life?

They're the ones who didn't develop chronic puking disorders, severe panic attacks, lifelong back problems, RSIs and socially crippling misanthropy after being thrown into a "pay-your-dues" war of attrition with hundreds of other idiots and surviving the longest in it.

Puking definitions


the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth

See also: vomit vomiting emesis regurgitation disgorgement