Publishing in a sentence as a noun

I really want to applaud backblaze for publishing these reports and stats.

The author is not claiming to be a design expert, nor is she publishing a "how to design" guide.

The obvious question was "why is the Atlantic publishing this!?

Read what we're doing to improve the security of accessible encryption and our reasoning for publishing these audits.

Israel does allow publishing high-resolution imagery of its territories, given that they have been censored.

After all, since he plans to self-publish the second edition, there is nothing to prevent him from self-publishing additional copies of the first edition if he requires them.

The biggest issue that I see with publishing this work in a physics journal is that although time travel is certainly a concept in physics, the research involved here is not physics research.

"Reginald Braithwaite is a software developer at Leanpub, where he and his colleagues take the friction out of writing and selling books"Why the **** are the greatest minds of our generation toiling away on a book publishing platform?

" Imagine assembling a "A" team of scholars and scientists, getting them to make substantial, substantive contributions in each of their respective areas of expertise, and publishing the results under the guidance of a top editorial board.

Those researchers have told me about other researchers who are trying to clean up the published literature in psychology, for example Jelte Wicherts, whose article "Letting the daylight in: reviewing the reviewers and other ways to maximize transparency in science"[2] in an open-access journal suggests general procedures to improve scientific publishing, for example by changing the incentive structure around reviewing papers submitted for publication.

Publishing definitions


the business of issuing printed matter for sale or distribution

See also: publication