Pseudonym in a sentence as a noun

PJ isn't a pseudonym, it is her initials.

"PJ could easily be just a pseudonym used by a panel IBM/Google lawyers"That's been tried.

Then I could use a pseudonym with strangers, a nickname with friends, and my real name with family.

They didn't hide behind a pseudonym, and it was probably a hard decision for them.

Maybe he thought of the original math/idea, so they named their pseudonym after him in his honor?

Why, exactly is it OK for you to make up a pseudonym and libel Ms. Jones?I demand disclosure.

In this case, the name was simply created by abridging the pseudonym Gary Host, combining the first initial g with the last name host.

He might have to start "writing" under a pseudonym just to get any sense of doing something fresh without intense public scrutiny.

The implicit assumption is that your pseudonym is used to identify yourself to other users of the same service.

I use my real name as a way of keeping myself accountable as I've noticed that I'm much more inflammatory when under the guise of a pseudonym.

The chairman asked the panel about the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym used by the creator or creators of Bitcoin.

I don't normally share much personal information for the same reason I post with a pseudonym, but I'd like to share a story with you about someone far less qualified than you with far less going for them than you that made something out of nothing.

> I never heard about it from any of my friends who aren't \n > reading sites like HN.\n\nAnecdote: a decidedly non-technical friend of mine with the last name of "Star" had his Google+ profile disabled after having his name falsely classified as a pseudonym.

While I agree with some of the points made, I don't think that posting them anonymously on pastebin and then submitting them on HN using the pseudonym "afraidofadria" is of any help if you're actually interested in a balanced discussion.

Im not going to throw a hissy-fit over every social application that doesnt cater to my perceived personal needs, but as someone who is well-known on the Internet by my pseudonym, I have no use for Google+ and its circles unless I can be raganwald to some people and Reg Braithwaite to others.

For "surprisingly good evidence" the TechCrunch article blatantly ignores the findings of the Carnegie Mellon study linked to [1].TL;DR the study found "that the proportion of negative postings has decreased on the pseudonym-based forum after the law; whereas, the law was not influential on the website in which real names were being revealed regardless of the law.

Pseudonym definitions


a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role

See also: anonym