Prostitute in a sentence as a noun

Can they go to your grandmother and tell her to prostitute herself if that will help them?

Being a prostitute myself, I can tell you that this is happening in the here and now all the time.

If a woman chooses to be a prostitute, and chooses to engage with a "John", then heck yes it's consensual.

Is this the French meaning, where to "visit" someone is patronize a prostitute?

You could have a sex slave operation with one prostitute and get caught and go to jail for the rest of your life.

Which is to say, prostitution was legal for the prostitute, but illegal for the john.

If a **** is forcing a prostitute to sell themselves, that's called slavery, and it is illegal.

He immediately dropped out of school, moved in with a prostitute and decided he wanted a sex change.

Prostitute in a sentence as a verb

You could prostitute yourself so long as you didn't harass customers or walk up to people and offer your services.

Selling a prostitute to someone else against their will is illegal, and it is called human trafficking.

At least a prostitute is providing a service that there is legitimate demand for from the end user.

I think the GP meant, if a prostitute went up and offered her services to a john, and the john said yes, that would be considered "solicitation" on the part of the john.

The campaign had gotten men to ask for their preferred mode, and the prostitutes acted as if they preferred the other mode and charged more for the "accommodation".2.

This is the real issue, regardless of whether Snowden is a saint, a prostitute, a Dutch double-agent or an alien with a penchant for bicycles.

Money is not everything, you know...even a prostitute makes a lot of money..and that doesn't mean that the prostitute is better than the average, faithful woman...because she stands for something true, unlike the prostitute.

It's really not a relevant metric for wether ****** is ****** if there are grieving friends and family, or if people live in fear - it seems every other crime show deals with the ****** of a miserable, lonely homeless guy or a prostitute.

Prostitute definitions


a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money


sell one's body; exchange sex for money