Prophesy in a sentence as a verb

But I do like the joke, or I pray its a joke not a prophesy.

When I saw PG's email, I thought this was a self-fulfilling prophesy, even if it was only seen by YC founders.

I'm surprised to see such a baseless apocalyptic prophesy follow the phrase "I am an atheist.

This is a self-fulfilling prophesy that is as obvious to cloud decision makers as it appears to be lost on Google.

But if everyone sees it, investors will close their wallets, people will declare the bubble is now popped, and the prophesy will fulfil itself.

> You proposed design will become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

I think this narrative of food-bowl control is so enticing to people who think about power that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.

That's a horrible attitude and probably a self-fulfilling prophesy.

In "Language: Intro to Study Speech" he remarks: "It is safe to prophesy that within a couple of hundred years from to-day not even the most learned jurist will be saying "Whom did you see!

If we believe it's fundamentally a fixed genetic and biological disorder that the individual themselves is helpless to do anything about, then through the nocebo effect it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.

Prophesy definitions


predict or reveal through, or as if through, divine inspiration

See also: vaticinate


deliver a sermon; "The minister is not preaching this Sunday"

See also: preach